Trademark Registration: WAGNER🄬
Japan: 5284799
China・Korea: 1044718 (WIPO International Registration Number)
WAGNER Micro Ceramic Oil (WAGNER MC Oil) received TOYOTA Parts Number (Y8543 - 40051)
We are looking for an experienced distributor in Asia.
TÜV: Approved by German Technical Inspection Association
"After 15 years of selling WAGNER products and working with various industry segments in Japan, we can confidently say that these products are once-in-a-lifetime."
What is the Micro Ceramic, and what is achieved by the Micro Ceramic Lubricants?
The Micro Ceramic is a modern solid ceramic lubricant that contains particles with a size range of 0.02 to 0.15 μm. It has the lowest frictional coefficient compared to all other solid materials. These particles are mixed with oil derivatives and can be used individually. The Micro Ceramic enhances the properties of modern engine and industry oils, leading to an extended lifespan and stability of engines and machines, as well as energy savings.
Micro Ceramic does not mesh with the standard additives of engine and industry-oils. Therefore, no negative impact on the base oil, as well as no uncontrolled course of usage in an extreme situation can take place. It (re-)acts absolutely neutral and can thus not be regarded as an usual oil- or engine-oil-additive.
Refinement and Smoothing of the Surfaces by the Micro Ceramic Lubricants :
The Micro Ceramic particles settle in the metal surfaces and as a safety depot are always present in the oil circulation. Any uneven patches are smoothed (smoothing phase). The bearing portion of the surface is increased compared to a polished/honed surface from 25 % to 75 to 85 %. The portion of the Micro Ceramic components is adjusted in a way that besides settling they also constantly move around in the oil circulation.
They act as shock absorbers and fulfill the characteristic of balls in a ball bearing. After smoothing we nearly have reached the ideal status of a fluid friction. Dry friction, border- and mixing friction (as for example at cold start-ups, high loads and numbers of revolutions) are almost completely prevented.
The Proof 1)
Photographs under the Electronic Microscope (500-fold Enlargment)
<Conventionally lubricated >
This part of the picture shows the seizuers of the roll and ball bearing steel.
- strongly fissured surface
- scorings
Bearing portion of the surface tops approx. 20–25 %.
<MC Oil added>
This part of the picture shows the smoothed surface on the roll and ball bearing steel. Bearing portion of the surface tops have been strongly increased approx. 75–85 %.
Oil bags (black) remain.